2 minute read

Introduction and pricing

1st of April and Copilot for Security is now in General Availability (GA). The cost for the service is no April fool joke.

SKU Price per hour Estimated price per month
Provisioned $4 $2,920

One month = 730 hours

Provision capacity in Security Compute Units (SCU) to run Copilot for Security workloads. These workloads provide insights, evaluate prompts, run promptbooks and automate them in both the standalone product and embedded experiences across Microsoft Security.

Pricing page - https://azure.microsoft.com/en-gb/pricing/details/microsoft-copilot-for-security/

Coding time

Let’s see what we can do with code!

Take a look at my new repo in GitHub - [pthoor Copilot for Security](https://github.com/pthoor/Copilot-for-Security)

I’ve written to very simple bicep files for deployment of Copilot for Security.

Deploy Copilot for Security with Bicep


targetScope = 'resourceGroup'

param capacityName string

var uniqueStringNoHyphens = replace(uniqueString(resourceGroup().id), '-', '')
var uniqueCapacityName = '${toLower(capacityName)}${uniqueStringNoHyphens}'

param geo string

var locationMap = {
  EU: 'westeurope'
  ANZ: 'australiaeast'
  US: 'eastus'
  UK: 'uksouth'

var location = contains(locationMap, geo) ? locationMap[geo] : 'defaultlocation'

param numberOfUnits int

param crossGeoCompute string

resource Copilot 'Microsoft.SecurityCopilot/capacities@2023-12-01-preview' = {
    name: uniqueCapacityName
    location: location
    properties: {
        numberOfUnits: numberOfUnits
        crossGeoCompute: crossGeoCompute
        geo: geo


using 'main.bicep'

param capacityName = 'thoorcopilot'
param geo = 'EU'
param numberOfUnits = 1
param crossGeoCompute = 'NotAllowed'

Deployment and deletion with GitHub Actions

Not sure this part will work as expected with the billing or the need to configure everything from the ground up when it comes to Copilot for Security. But here you go…

In GitHub Actions I created two supersimple, yet effective, yml files - one for deployment and one for destroyiong and deleting the resources.

The GitHub Actions workflow runs on either manual trigger or it will deploy Copilot for Security at 08:00 AM Monday to Friday.

The destroy workflow will delete the resourcegroup at 5 PM Monday to Friday.

Fun to try out so why not.



name: Deploy Resources

  workflow_dispatch: # Allows you to run the workflow manually
    - cron: '0 8 * * 1-5' # Runs at 8 AM UTC, Monday to Friday

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Checkout code
      uses: actions/checkout@v2

    - name: Login to Azure
      uses: azure/login@v1
        creds: $

    - name: Deploy Bicep template
      run: |
        az deployment group create --name CopilotDeployment --resource-group CopilotTest --template-file ./main.bicep --parameters ./main.bicepparam



name: Destroy Resources

  workflow_dispatch: # Allows you to run the workflow manually
    - cron: '0 17 * * 1-5' # Runs at 5 PM UTC, Monday to Friday

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Checkout code
      uses: actions/checkout@v2

    - name: Login to Azure
      uses: azure/login@v1
        creds: $

    - name: Destroy Resource Group
      run: |
        az group delete --name CopilotTest --yes --no-wait


Deploy Copilot for Security

If you want to follow along with the setup and configuration, visit the GitHub repo - https://github.com/pthoor/Copilot-for-Security

Delete Copilot for Security

Destroy Copilot for Security